What is AQUALYX™?

Aqualyx is an injectable, hydrous, mocro-gelantuoussolution, which is biocompatible and biodegradable. It causes the dissolution of fat cells, after which the body then expels the released fatty acids naturally. Aqualyx is a complex containing detergent from the desoxycholate family that has been physically modified in order to reduce the biological half-life and the sugar-based release system results in minimal side effects.

How does it work?

The solutions injected into the fat through a special Aqualys sharp cannula using a unique trained technique. Usually 2 injection spots are required per region with the amount of product used differing according to the area of fat being treated. Lidocainecan be added to the solution before injecting to improve patient comfort levels; the treatment is relatively painless with a warm sensation, itching slight burning, slight oedema and reddening appearance for 1-3 days within the treated area.

The treatment will be repeated between two and eight times depending on the number of small pockets of fat tissue to be reduced. The injections are repeated every three to four weeks.

Aqualyx can be administered over the entire body, except the area around the eyes

Areas that may be suitable for AQUALYX™:


Face – double chin, prejowl sulcus

Body –upper arms, armpits, waist hips, knees, stomach, below the buttocks, chest and inner thighs


The treatment process:

Comprehensive consultation

Signing of patient consent form

Marking of the affected area


Injection of Aqualyx in the subcutaneous fat deposit


Ultrasound machine will be applied to enhance the penetration of medication into the fat cell for better results.

Follow up treatment after further consultation

After The Treatment of AQUALYX™

The treated area should not be exposed to direct heat (sauna,sun,etc) or severe cold

Physical excercises should be avoided for 4-5 days

Application of cosmetics to the treated area should be avoided for at least 12 hours.

Bruising might develop within the treated area.

How many treatments are required?

The amount of treatments vary according to the desired degree of reduction, the dimensions of the fat deposit and the individual reactions of the fat tissue.

On average you will need around 3 to 5 appointments with 3-week intervals, until you can actually see the results.

How is the Aqualyx treatment conducted?

Using thin, flexible cannulas, Aqualyx is injected directly into the fat tissue. The treatment is uncomfortable and Aqualyx is mixed with a small amount of local anaesthetic to reduce the discomfort. After the treatment minor bruising and swelling may develop, these are expected side effects that settle within a couple of days after the treatment.

What Should I do after treatment?

Do not apply any cosmetics onto the treated areas within a 12 hour period and avoid all direct sources of heat and radiation (sunlights, UV-radiation, sauna etc.). You should abstain from particularly demanding physical exercise involving the treated areas for 7 days.

As the released fatty acids are converted into additional energy, it is important that you keep a strict and healthy diet, otherwise your body will simply store the fat in an alternative fat depot.

When is the treatment not recommended?

Aqualyx is not recommended when the patient is suffering from acute or chronic skin disease in the affected areas. For safety reasons all patients with medical history including anaphylactic reactions, severe allergies, severe organic or physical illnesses, autoimmune diseases or diabetes, as well as women who are pregnant or breast feeding are excluded from any treatment with Aqualyx.


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